Prunier Grande Champagne Lot 50 70yo Wine4You 62%
Monolithic G.C
Second Prunier cognac on Hors d’Age after a stunning first one. This bottling selected/imported by The Purist & Wine 4You could be another really good gem. 70yo, natural ABV (62%!), 1950, G.C. Let’s try this very promising Prunier!
Colour: Mahogany, gold lights. Irregular heavy tears.
Nose: Heady apricot eau-de-vie surrounded by strong chalky notes. Musky notes on stable scents and old leather notes. Precious wood shades in the background. Bright fresh fruity notes of white peaches fighting with emerging darker notes on porcini mushroom and robusto cigar. Full of berlingot sweets smells.
Palate: Extra oily texture. Massive acidulous rancioted notes on tinned plums and strawberry juice. Full spoon of licorice syrup. Stunning mouth length on dried figs and prunes. Extreme freshness on eucalyptus and sandalwood. 1950? Really? Unreal spiciness on cloves and candied ginger. It ends on anise and green tea aromas.
Last Notes: It feels old and young at the same time. Staggering. A tad of perceptible creaminess, something like apricot yoghurt. Hints of buttery notes. Still some solid chalky scents. Back on the palate, you get strong coffee notes and a tad of overripe peach notes. It may be hard to believe, but the ABV seems at the right height here. It ends on banana stew notes and cooked tarragon.
Complex, rich and very pleasant. 70yo, still young and kicking. Perfect dark rancio/freshness balance. Monolithic G.C profile. I only miss a bit of funkiness to go above 91 with this one.
My very subjective note: 90+/100
Whiskynotes review of this Prunier Grande Champagne Lot 50 Wine4You

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